“Being outside makes me feel like a better person on the inside.”
- Bucksport Middle School student
The Life Happens Outside® Challenge is a way for an entire middle school community to intentionally spend lots of time outside for one week.
Every minute outside counts — from sports practice to dog walking, camping in the yard, or doing homework in the park!
It’s best when the whole school takes part and the community supports them. And most importantly, the challenge provides an outlet for kids to be unplugged outside and engaged in real life.
Dates: May 9-16, 2025
Participants: Students and faculty at Maine Middle schools (grades 5-8)
The prize: The top 3 schools with the most outdoor minutes will win $1,000 to use towards outdoor activities for your school.
Life Happens Outside Challenge by the Numbers
15 Participating Schools
Middle schools from all over the state of Maine joined us for the Spring Challenge. All told, 3,542 students participated.
34,000+ Hours Spent Outside
If you do the math, students spent over 1,450 days outside in just one week. That’s the equivalent of 4 years!
591+ Outdoor Minutes Per Student
Our 2024 Life Happens Outside Challenge students spent 7x the national average outdoors. To date, 12-18 year olds in the U.S. spend 78 minutes outside each day.
What Students Are Saying About The Life Happens Outside® Experience
“I got to spend time outside hunting with my dad. It was awesome!”
— Student at Wiscasset Middle High School
“I learned that I need to take care of myself by going outside socializing and making friends.”
— Student from Bucksport Middle School
“I’ve been going to sleep earlier and been able to get up without being super tired. I think because of all the stuff I’m doing outdoors has been tiring me out.”
— Siquon ,Sipayik Elementary School
“Being outside made me happy.”
— Quote Source Anna, Athens Community School